Friday, March 24, 2017

Valencia at Spring, Fallas.

In Valencia we have a spring party called Fallas. We celebrate the end of winter, the beginning of the good weather and also Saint Joseph´s day, the carpenters day.

More than 100 years ago, 19th of March, carpenters in the city used to burn down the left overs of wood and material gone bad during the year, and the bonfires developed into a figure composition.
Nowadays Fallas look quite impressive and there are over 120 figures around the city from the 15th of March until the 19th , when they burn down, following the tradition. 
Artists would work the whole year to create these monuments.

During these days also locals dressed into the traditional custom, every now and then the look of the dress and hairdo changes a bit.

Valencia turns into a very noisy city almost the whole month, something that can be very frustrating if you are looking for quiet time. "petardos" (firecrackers) explode almost every 2 seconds nearby you.
Every day from 14:00-15:00h takes place the Mascletà, were gunpowder is been placed and exploded with a certain rhythm.

Music is also a big part of this festivity, bands are playing all over the city.

Fallas is one of these love-hate situations. I enjoy the music, the colourful dresses and admire the statues. But I have to recognised that improvements need to be done. Less noise, less pollution and rubbish would be good. And respect for those who had to suffer them.
Still, something to be seen once in lifetime.